throw old away

into the trash bag it goes
just like old worn cloths
i throw old friends away
its the same with them from day to day

thats what its called?
what about lies?
or being fake?

into the black bag it flys
just like ugly Levis
i throw the pain away
it wont come back to play

is that what its named?
what about killer?
or enemy?

buy happiness for others
mom and Kurt all lovey dovey
dad will get a new job
Court will finish that music
Alex will move along
forgive me for my wrongs
Kaywee and Caitlin will go to the moon
as long as their back at noon

as for me...
i haven't thought that far
maby i will fly afar or just sit at home
but there will be happiness i know that
but whatever i chose to do
it will take time to grow into