Oh Baby Boy

Oh baby boy
please don't cry

Your skin is soft
but your tears are dry

Oh baby boy
I know it hurts

To be left alone
your like a stray dog
confused and all alone

Oh baby boy
I hear your screams

They're harsh and loud
and crupt my dreams

Oh baby boy
it just makes me so sad

To know your father
refused to be your dad

Oh baby boy
Its past midnight now

I beg you to sleep
but all you do is weep

your cry for a family
you cry for a dad

Your cries break my heart
and just make me so sad

Oh baby boy
if you could speak

you'd tell a tale
that could make any heart weak

I hold your hand
I'll sing you a song
but nothing can make up
for what you've been through

Oh baby boy
you make me wonder...

If i gave you up
would you be in sweat slumber?

Would you be better off with a foster mom and dad?
Would you eventaully find out?
Would you fogive me?
Would you be mad?

Oh baby boy i know they'd care for you
better than I do

I shake me head to earse these thoughts
your my resonsibilty now
your mine
I just dont know how?

Oh baby boy
I fell for his charms

I let him in
I let him hold me in his arms

Oh baby boy
if only I knew
I'd resist his sweet words
then there would'nt be you

You wouldn't be here
you wouln'd go through
all these things we out you though...