Perfect Picture Destroyed.

I'm staring at the picture in front of me.
I see a lonley girl,
Who is lost and alone in the tiny world.

No one can see the tears that drop,
No one hears her fears that scream,
When you first look at her,
Nothing is what it all seems.

I see the girl wanting to break free.
Wanting to fly,
Wanting everyone to leave her be.
She wants what is hers,
She wants her freedom,
She wants her first shot at love and feelings.

Lonley girl is what I see.
She is fighting for what she wants, it's not stealing.
She's crying on the ground,
wishing not to be found,
And the only noise around,
Is the ocean waves going round and round.

The picture I see,
Is a girl living free.
She has no rules,
she is set away from her troubles,
and is now smiling , sitting under a tree.
She is happy and alive,
she sings without regret,
and she is the most happiest girl yet.

Free girl
Lonley Girl,
One person,
In the world.