
coctail glasses
at half past two
decorate the near-empty tables
raindrops glimmering
the rain washed away

empty dance halls
once crowded from top to bottom
everybody loves a good dance
the orchestra is jaded
too many rounds persuaded

black and white dots,
striped and squares
adorned the dresses and skirts
as gals turned to grandmothers
before our very eyes

milkshake and burger stalls
ice cream and cotton candy
local drive in's
the liscence plate got stolen
and Laura's sniffing glue

Andrew's mother was a hooker
and Jade's dad a lawyer
both ended up in the gutters
got married in the slums
and had two kids who never really grew up

You're 16 and sitting in a pub
looking 18 but cant get enough
of the extra dry martinys
glasses piling your table
and soon you're under the table

the pianist is falling asleep on the job
the drums are suffering from headache
But you just have to sit there,
the only person in that old hall
and even when you leave
the music just keeps on playing