
It certainly feel likes the depths of hell
I feel as though I am under a spell
I hate it here there is no comfort
I always try to be a good sport
But after a while of this emotional pain
I feel like I am wrapped by a chain
You get used to it after some time
But it still feels like I commited a crime
The one thing I always ask
I cover up this stuff with a mask
But the thing is why me?
Why cant she just leave me be
This place surprisingly is my home
This is a place where I can not roam
It feels like a dungeon that I can not leave
So I’ll suck it up and wipe the tears on my sleeve
But wait what is this
The feeling when I got the kiss
This boy makes me feel free
This boy lets me be me
This place no longer feels like a cell
This place no longer feels like hell
Because all I have to do is think
And now I no longer shrink
When I see his face
I stop in my place
And I feel the faith
I know I’m alive
I know I can survive
I love you