Empty Adoration

I'm less impressed with you than I used to be.
A flabbergasted meeting, thinking that
“You’re so unique!”
So different than any other;
You’re just the same.

It was disgusting really, how they all flocked to you
I hated the way you soaked up their admiration,
A sponge, with no real substance.
You’re disgusting.

I’m not in awe of you anymore.
But, oh, do I remember those feelings!
I’m sure you could feel the fear,
It was coming off of me in waves.
You could have drowned in it,
Drenched in a sea of sickly sweet timidity.
I almost wish you had.

Frustrating how they looked up to you,
How even I looked up to you,
What was it?
I loathe your charisma.

I’m sure there was a point in time,
After the initial hello’s and nice to meet you’s
Where we were good friends, a time
When I felt comfortable.
Not anymore.

You aren’t the enchanter,
The charming, beautiful person we all wish to be.
You’re a shell,
A mussel pried open,
Left to die in the sun.

You’re nothing anymore, without your legions of followers.
It’s a laugh, really.
How dependant you were on us,
How well you led us to believe it was the other way round.
That we were the parasites?
Ridiculous you,
Indifferent me.
Empty adoration.