A Veggie Tale

Vegetables contain antioxidants - vitamins A & C & lycopene
Folic acid, vitamin K, calcium, and magnesium come from vegetables that are green

Potatoes are tubers, and ears of corn are seeds
Vegetables fulfill a lot of our needs
Celery is a stem, a tomato is a fruit
Garlic is a bulb, and carrots are a root
Lettuce is a leaf, broccoli is a flower,
One that is better than cauliflower

When buying fresh veggies, make sure that they're ripe
And check color and texture - no matter what type
Size and shape are important too
Their condition should be good as new
Vegetables should be placed in the refrigerator,
Unless it is an un-ripened tomater

Simmer, steam, or braise -
You can cook vegetables in so many ways