I'm just a girl

Who am I?

I’m just a girl.

Sometimes I laugh for no reason,

Sometimes I cry for no reason.

I can be moody,

And I can be sweet.

I can be helpful

And I can be hopeful.


I do what I feel like!

I have feelings,

And I overreact

I eat when I’m bored

And cry when I’m sad.

I’m normal,

And yet I’m different..

I read,

I play,

And act like I don’t care

When I really do.

I love music

And I love dancing in my underwear!

I tell some secrets...

But keep the ones that matter.

I have trust issues

That I’ll probably never get over.

I’m just a girl

Who wants to be loved.

I get confused easily,

And to tell you the truth,

I really have no idea what I want!

Sometimes I act weird,

Sometimes I’m just quiet.

Sometimes I'm a deep thinker,

But other times,

I just can't stop laughing!

At times I hate life,

But mostly I just love it.

In reality,

I’m just an average teenage girl

Trying to get through life in one piece!