other than blood

Other than blood what's in the heart?
What sets us and others apart.
Is it all types of feeling that are bigger than some?
Or is light and darkness what fills the beating drum?
Is it something that we have to listen to?
Or is it something that we should not rely on much or it will consume you?
Should we turn our backs on it and lock it away?
Or maybe let it wonder free and help us through the day?
Is it clearly knowledge and experience,
That changes us and over that decision fence?
Does it contain peace and disquiet,
That will make you feel like starting a riot?
Can you feel the pain and the sorrow?
Or maybe that glee and relief of tomorrow?
The answer my friends it all of the above.
It is filled with hate and with love.
It is filled with all kinds of feeling that we like and don't.
But you should hear what I say or you just won't.
Listen to love and hear the trust.
But still feel anger and distrust.
Feel the darkness and feel the light
One will always be winning that eternal fight.
Pain will come inside your heart.
but peace will come to those who WANT tomorrow.
Never lock up those feeling you find fair.
Also the ones you hate, keep them there.
There is one thing that can never go away.
The child within you will always stay.
It may be hiding or locked away.
But break the locks and let the kid play.
disipline him and show him the rules that you preach.
Let him play but keep him on a short leash.
Now you know what lurks in your heart.
And now you know what sets us all apart.