old song not poem.

(music begins)

My anticipating heart longs for your voice
You being the jerk you are ignore,
ignore my every call

My heart once was hooked on you.
(spoken) what can I say (pause)
I was an addict (end spoken)


Now I’m crushed.
Crushed by the silence
So what if I sound emo
Its better then being like you

from this day forward
I give you up
I’ll forget your voice
I’ll forget your every word
I’ll never call ever again.
I’ll let you go be one of them

Sure it will be hard.
But It’s what I have to do
I have to give up my addiction
Called you
(end spoken)


So from this day forward
I give you up
I’ll forget your voice
I’ll forget your every word
I’ll never call ever again.
I’ll let you go be one of them
