Miss COnstrue

Time, such a very powerful bequest. Miss Construe was found resting at the same space, the exact position where opportunity took place in grasping the time to think and argue with life itself. It has been a place where emotional sentiments were tossed from bitterness to joyful moments. But then since five years passed, the moment was taken to understand what changes have occurred in the surrounding environment. The same trees were noticed standing still and with longevity they stood against time. Alas, one tree, in particular that Miss Construe noticed since the eyes gazed in motion when the mind is very well working on its thoughts, wondering what ever happened to the solemn tree for the last five years. Transformation has existed, there were new structures that erected usually popping out of nowhere. Miss Construe was in awe since the place still gives the same sensitivity of inner contemplation. The last time when thoughts were deeply considered, it involved the heartfelt decision of where the future will be years after the contemporary instance. Struggle for the soul’s bliss was awaited against the realm of life with humanity’s insignificant standards. In the end, pride has taken place for victory has occurred. But in the middle of it all, Miss Construe won’t deny the fact that the battle against losing one’s self was defeated consistently. Different opportunities were seen that would be the best moment to indeterminate the sanity.

The case was rest-assured when death was proven to be the most tragic experience that can happen to existence. Let it be alone, the dearly beloved in Miss Construe’s olden times. It was thoroughly heartbreaking. It shrugged Miss Construe from the ground point so heavily that the pace was lost dreadfully.
Gracefully appreciating that one’s true and lasting enemy is thy self, momentarily and surprisingly, Miss Construe was sitting at that same place, astoundingly alive, and drinking a glass of
iced coffee.

|~the anners~