Flying Forever

Her angel stops at the other side of the door waiting, listening, hiding himself from her. Yes, he loves her, yes she loves him. They are afraid to truly meet. They know that the love they share is forbidden.

The angel folds his wings, she knows that he is there. He cannot face her. They’re holding on to each other even though they are being separated against their will.
The music that bonds them is louder and more intricate than any design created. The mesh of the techno pounding with the orchestra’s drums interweaves a story un-heard by human ears.

The magick that ricochets off their hearts links their minds, and the ice and fire that meet when they look at each other steams a rose to life.Every chord, every strum, every note ever sung, brings the angel and the girl to life.

Silently, she walks across the room, hoping that for once when she opens the door, she will see the angel’s face. As she opens the door, the angel springs inside, but the girl sees and senses nothing.

The angel sits on her bed, waiting for her to curl up to the blanket that’s his arms but gets a disappointment. The girl looks at the matches and candles. She lights them and sets her room aflame.

With a last glance, she flees out the window. Flying forever with her angel, her love.