Be Strong

I tried to be strong for me since no one else seem to care
But it’s not working
I hid in my dark room
Covering my ears, trying to block everything out
The same screaming, yelling and hitting
It’s just like every other day

Or that’s what I thought
My mom packed up and headed for the car
I ran after her with tears in my eyes
She told me to be strong and left
The words repeated in my head
Be strong, be strong

Days past by
She hasn’t return
I sit by my window crying and watching the rain cry with me
While my dad is out with some woman
The words still repeating in my head
Be strong, be strong
I try to be strong but it’s so hard

Now I sit by my window with my friends talking
I looked strong now
I sounded strong
But deep down I’m only trying to be strong

I looked out the window
And saw a happy family, playing
Memories and emotions flooded back to me
What’s it like to have a happy family?
With all of this emotions going on
And me trying to be strong
I guess I’ll never know