

I feel so isolated,
Like I’m not really here
Like I’m standing in for someone else
Like I’m intruding,
Like I don’t belong,

I know it’s my fault,
I won’t interact,
I won’t talk to people
I keep myself to myself,
I hide inside me

But how can you open up,
Knowing you’ll be hated,
Judged ‘cause of someone else
Dismissed before you’re known?

How can you tell them you secrets,
When its you secrets you’re afraid of,
Those secret that eat you up inside
The secrets that must remain secrets?

How can you trust someone
When everyone else abandons you
When you own family don’t want to know
Just ‘cause you made a mistake?

How can you feel loved
When all you’ve known is hate
When those who loved you hurt you
When you’re friends aren’t real?

How can you accept yourself
When know one else will?
How can you accept who you are
When you a stranger to the world?