For You.

I have smelled the scent
that makes me crave
From the inside out and
It is you.

Can not compare you,
Because summer days are not the
Way that I should begin
To say your perfection.
Because you are more lovely
- and more temperate.
And such little words as these
are mediocre for you.

My Immortal Beloved seems
Appropriate at times.
Beethoven knew how to compose
I love you, better than his symphonies.
But they are still
Nothing to compare our love.

Voltaire would’ve
been beheaded for his love.
And I have done this for you,
Oh sweet angel.
I’ve lost my head
And sacrificed it to the
idiocy of passion
and my heart, belongs to you, love.

As the words uttered by
Edward Cullen’s icy lips
Were enticing and romantic,
And could make any
Normal girl tremble,
They can not compare
To how I feel when ‘I love you’s’
Are exchanged between us.

I smile every morning and evening,
Because you are there.
I cry every time you’re gone,
Because you aren’t.
But most of all, I love every second
I’m with you;
Because you make me feel alive.

I love you.