The Real Inner Mind; My Constant Thoughts

Honestly i to doesn't matter anymore
All these poems i said before
i didn't know what i was talking about
i didn't understand at all
What any of this was like

Looking back i'm not sure it's what i wanted
I don't think i was ready
I guess i was
I wish i hadn't been
Then I never would have made that mistake

I've changed
At least that's what they say
I see it too though
You'd never recognize me, i know
Not even the real me
am i even real at all?

I don't pretend, i'm sure.
I don't pretend around you at least.
Whoever you are.
Where ever that takes me.
I'm still waiting
Counting the days
Till i figure out
Where i'm going next

If I'm going anywhere at all
i thought i knew
but i'm not sure what's right
if anything is right.

I just know i'll be safe here, tonight.