Twenty four hours

Twenty four hours
The clock slowly ticking away
The end looms near
I wish time would freeze
Maybe go back

To things
I’ve done
The things I regret
The people I hated
The reasons seem pointless

To know that
Twenty-four hours is all I have left
I can’t help but wonder
What comes next?

I wish I could tell
Everyone I love them
Say goodbye
But I feel better to let them think everythings fine
that in twenty-four hours I won’t be alive

let them think that
the next day I’ll enter the highschool halls
but instead my chair will be empty

today is my last day
I played I was sick
To see their faces
To know tomorrow I won’t

Instead I stay home
And stare at the clock
That ticks my life away

The doctors say
I have a month to live
But by the end of that time
I’ll be a ghost to far gone to remember

To far gone to see the scenes pass my face
The scenes of friends
Laughing and crying
A time I thought everything will be fine

I’m left empy
No feeling inside
I don’t see the point to living
Twenty-four hours till it kicks in

Instead of waiting
I prefer to know
To die with my memories
My one last wish

The time seems to be ticking slower
As time almost begins to freeze
My eyes getting heavier
As they slowly close

I’m drifting to sleep
A sleep I’ll never wake up
As the poison slowly eats at me

I open my mouth
One last thing to say
Right before I drift to the other side
A faint whisper escapes my lips
