
A time
A rift
That keeps us apart
I guess it’s not much
But still it’s a lot

I always thought you’d be by my side
But I always knew you would leave
Just never this soon

Maybe I’m selfish
Or a hopeless case
I can’t stop time or fate
I can only remember the good

I try not to dwell on the thought
That soon you’ll be gone
But my mind won’t leave me alone
As the day draws near

I try to smile
I don’t want you to see
How much it kills me

We say we’ll keep in touch
But we both know that never works
It’ll be hard at first
But we’ll survive

I’ll never forget your face
I want you to know
That you found a place in my heart
That will never go

I’ll remember the stuff
That we use to do
How we’d laugh about anything
Stay up all night talking

The times I’d crash and burn
And you would be there
Even though you didn’t understand
You still tried to pick me up

Your face haunts my dreams
But as soon as I’m up
I no longer remember what you look like
A picture is all I have left
Of your existence
I could always pick up the phone
Just to tear my heart to pieces once again

I’d try to forget you
But I never would be able to
So there’s no point in trying

Instead I’ll cherish those memories
All the times
Because you mean
That much to me