Tired and Uninpsired

I'm sick of all the drama
I'm sick of all the bullshit
I just wanna scream out
And give people hell

Nobody wants to help
They just wanna complain
Expecting to get all the attention
And for you to break your back
To make them happy

Then what kills
If you don't help them
The worlds turn their back
On them
But oh ho ho!
Take a look
YOU'VE turn your back
On the world

Because people like me
(People who are
Too nice
Let themselves be teased
Cater to others needs
Put people before themselves
People who are victimized
Because they don't stand up for
Can't take this shit forever
And you will
Loose those people
Or we'll
Give you hell

So I have something for you
Grow the fuck up!
Because nobody is goin to
Cater to your every single need
Get the fuck up off your
LAZY ass and do something

'Cause I'm so
