
Why do I have such a problem getting her out of my mind?
Even when I'm doing something else...
She's haunting me in the back of my mind.
Smiling like she does...
Staring at me with those mysterious eyes…
Not letting me in...
Not talking to me...
My heart cries out...
But it will never get what it wants...
It's in pain when I go to sleep.
It gets my frustration out in my dreams.
My mind screams for my heart to shut up…
So she will stay sane.
She screams for me to write…
So she can try to forget…
But she knows she's tired.
She wants her face out of her.
So that she may rest.
But she knows it will never happen.
The heart cares for her too much…
It will not let go.
Even if it destroys me…


This was my first poem... It was about the girl (the ONLY girl) I fell in love with. Hell, I think I'm still in love with her... But oh well. My writing greatly improves after this... I might try to fix up some of my other poems, but I wanted to leave this one how it is.