
A girl without a name
That is what she is called
A girl with a home
But nowhere to go

A living corpse
Of who she use to be
A being with no soul
Whom no one can see

She lives in the night
As bright as the day
A silver stream
Is where she lays
In a place only the Dead can enter

A spirit guide to the lost souls
So they might once again find peace
But stuck in this place of darkness and despair
Maybe because she never believed

A place in between heaven and Hell
Purgatory the Catholics called it
But they never said what would be there

What could possibly be recorded?
To explain the air
The feeling of sinking
Of not breathing

Darkness eats at you
Slowly devouring
Leaving you in an enclosed boy
That just keeps getting smaller

No feeling of hope
For she know there is none
Maybe for other souls
But never for her

Destined to be
A soul collector
A fate decided without her consent
Guiding the souls to the Place of Forever

To see the bright light
And know it is there
But never being able to touch it

Maybe she hoped for too much
Or for nothing at all
Lost in her mind
Her thoughts overwhelming

She sits at the Silver Bank
A connecter to the World
A ripple here
A ripple there
Catching her attention

Another soul rose
To be guided to the light
Another human dead
On the Earth

Slowly she stands
To meet with the ghost
To do her job again

Leading him through
The dry wasteland
Without speaking a work

Dead trees seem to curve inward
The skies a dark gray
Cries of the dead
The ones stuck in Hell
Reverberate through the air

Sending shivers
Down any spine
No matter how long you’re there

The girl steps in front of a portal
As she turns to look at the man
Her first spoken words
Are hard with sorrow
As she tells him

I can go no further
It’s up to you
Choose the light or the Dark
Your soul to be played
The Darkness will lie do not believe
The Light is what you need

The soul goes through the portal
A ripple in time
He disappears with a flash of light
She can’t help but smile

Another soul choose the right way
But she was left here again
With a sigh she turns away
To return to the stream
Where she lays
To wait for the next soul
To show their face