Like Clockwork

Author's Note: This is the first creative thing I've written in eons. It's an amazingly euphoric feeling to release something personal and yet public into the world, a feeling I don't know how I could have possibly forgotten. Please interpret this how you will. I don't care. I'm just relieved to know I haven't lost every bit of my originality quite yet.

Like Clockwork
October 5, 2008

The glass on the watch
has finally cracked.

All at once
and not for the first time.

What’s this?
Another metaphor?

Fractures cover the face,
Distorting the figures.

Just looking at it is stressful.
Don’t want tell someone wrong

And make them an hour early
Or late.

The watch itself works fine,
Gears spinning like, well,

Lot of good it does if we can’t see it.

God only knows how it cracked in the first place.
An accident, I’m sure.

Hope it keeps working;
We’ve replaced at least once before.

At any rate, it’s still ticking
For now.

Bombs tick too.

One question
We hate to ask, though:

If the gears grind to a halt
And time decides to leave us in the dust,

How will we know when
To move on?