My First Regret

On the night we first met,
I could not help but feel,
The kindness and love in your heart,

I had come with bad news,
Yet wished for anything but,
On that fatefull night that broke your heart,

If it had been any other news,
It mite have been differnt,
But it was not to be,

The news i brought you,
Would have been liek petrol to the fire,
But i could not help but deliver it,

I saw the pain rip through your heart,
As i broke the news to you,
Trying to make it feel less painfull,

All i wanted to do was lift you,
Lift you far away fromt this hell,
And free from the pain of your life,

But i couldnt no one could,
So i departed on that fatefull day with hope,
That one day your life will be fine and with it your heart.