Go Away.

Go away, leave me here. Alone and lost in dark with my tears.
I'm numb to the pain. Seeing you doesn't hurt as it used too.
But that doesn't mean that my wounds have healed.
There still bleeding!

Look at me, look at what you've done.
These scars refuse to heal!
Just once I ask that you look at me, and tell me the truth.
Do you really hate me?
Then do your self a favor go away.

Stay far away from me.
Your picture burns my eyes.
Your name hurts my ears.
I can't believe that we were once inseperable.
Looking back, I'm laughing now. We were so close.
I'm going to lie to you now; I'm glad that your gone!

Go away! Far away, so I could stop hurting.
I'm glad to know you hate me.
It makes it easier for me to disappear.

God damnit! Why do you do this to me?
Your gone some place else, yet you still make me cry.
Why can't you just disappear?!?

Go away! Go away! Go away! Leave me here and GO AWAY!

Why can't you just make this better?
Oh right, i forgot! YOUR A FUCKING JACKASS!

Go away, leave me here.
I don't need you.
Go away, far away, some place I can't find you.
I hate you!

*insert static*