The Perfect World Part I

I wish I was with you

I’ll hunt you if I could

I’ll leave my safe home

To the dangers outside

Until I find myself

Safe in your arms

I could stare into your brown eyes

Until I cry in you presence

I could run my fingers though your hair

Whether it’s long and black

Short and white or even bright red

I could hear nothing

But the sound of your name and voice

I’ll wish to be yours forever

As I scream tears seeing your beautiful face

I wish I’ll hear you say

"Vicki, what’s wrong?

Dry your tears

I am with you

I am with you

I will always be with you forever."

I look deep into your brown eyes

As all the fangirls seem to disappear

And all problems fade

All I’ll see is the immortal beauty

You brought into the world

I open my mouth wanting to say something else

But these words spilled from my mouth

"I’ll love you forever,

Gerard Way."

If I get to meet you

I’ll never want to leave you

One day when the world is perfect

I will wake up and find you softly snoring

Laying next to me

Your eyes opened and softly whispered

"Everything is perfect

Now that we are together

And will stay together

Until the end of time."