My cube

Here is a wall you shout at, you scream your thoughts, your ideas, your stories and even occasionally your feelings
You, me everyone else on this site is on the other side of the wall, listening to what is said, but never really seeing the speaker.
We will throw bits of paper at the shouter, over our translucent wall... And they read our comments, maybe the shouter will throw a bit of paper back
Our wall is littered with out photos, our graffiti, our words, and anyone who looks at our wall can see them, but can they ever know what they mean?
The shouter is not just on one side of one wall, for every turn that they make, they find another wall.. Another shouter, another set of graffiti.
How do we know what we are shouting even matters? Can we be sure what we are saying will be heard, if we cannot see those we shout at?

Perhaps.. I will whisper

We are both in cubicals with thousands of sides around us, we can never touch. But at least you are next to me

Will you throw a bit of paper at me?
