My Dark Tower

(Inspired by "The Dark Tower" series, by Stephen King)

'Will you be my Roland?" She once asked me.
She was the girl who tore down my walls.
She was the sweetest rose, in a field of poppies.
But her love was not all.

Time is not the same as love, they may both pass us by, and neither can be restrained,
but they are not the same.
Her love controlled me like time cannot, -that moment held us inside the tower-
I changed, but did not age.
Inside our dark tower, our worlds combined, there was no bang or flash, just us, together,
for one small moment.
Beyond those fields of poppies, there will always be us, trapped away from time, in our dark tower. In that one moment.
That one moment where anything could be,
but time will not allow.
And nor will I.

Of course, I said
