Lovers Are Overrated; I Want My Little One.

I did love my brother.

I'd like to think that he'd love me.

If I could have heard your voice just once...

Oh, little one, I suppose it wasn't meant to be.

They said we would be very much alike.

I'd like to think that they were right.

Goodness, what I would do to see you just once...

I've waited for you forever, little one.

Perhaps this was for the best.

I shall give you my final bow.

I will wrap you up safe, and push out of my mind this mess.

God, what I wouldn't give to have you in my arms right now...

I did love my brother.

I'd like to think that he'd love me.

I'd go to the ends of the earth to be a sister to you just once...

But, my little one, it just isn't meant to be.