Left Out

My head is spinning back to reality.
Where has every one gone?
Oh wait, no one would be in my room, but me.
I hear no voices upstairs.

When I reach the top of my stairs, I see no one in the kitchen.
My mom would normally be cooking dinner at this time.
Walking into the living room, I look at the couch and love seat.
My sister and brother aren't here.
They would be watching TV.

Walking into the hallway.
I walk to my brother's room, look in, and see no one.
Counting to my sister's room I look in. No sister.
Finley I reach my parent's room. No parents.
My dad would be on the computer right now, but he isn't.
Where could they be?

Walking back thruogh the hallway and living room.
I find myself in the dinning room, theres a not on the table.
I must of must of missed that.
Looking at it I relies one thing.
They left me out of a family outing.

Why did they leave me out?
I have no clue.
Where they unable to whack me?
But i wasn't sleeping.
Did they call my name and I not answer?
But I wasn't listening to my CD player.

What I was doing was thinking.
Thinking of things the family can do and things to wright.
Why didn't my mom come down to my room and get me?
I have no idea.

I have found they have been leaving me out often.
Why should i think this would be any different.
They left me all alone.
The only thing I can do now is get on the computer or call a friend.

Why do I have to be left out?
It's my life too.
And I should be able to live it with them.