Our Song.

Imagine something instrumental.
Folksy, even.
An acoustic guitar playing
A beautifully simple melody
That weaves through our words
Like strands of gold.
There can be nothing angry about this.
The song has to match us, recreate
Our feelings.
It needs to reflect our emotion in
This particular moment in time.
We’ll live through it.
I’ll give your voice an even more
Powerful resonance, and it will match
The musical lilt of my words
Take this song.
Show me mellifluous brilliance.
Let the notes emphasize our thoughts.
Cocoon us in tendrils of sound.
I want to picture your face when
The breeze plays our song
Accompanied by the rustle of trees,
Bringing us back to this place,
No matter how great the distance.
Every word you speak can be the
Lyrics to the life song,
And my replies will be the chorus.
We’ll speak of nature,
Of fear and joy,
Love and hate.
Speak of the clouds in the sky and further, and
Debate worldly subjects in tune with the beat.
We are single-celled
Complex organisms,
Out of sight, but filling the universe
As we rest in a chamber of sound.
We are all and nothing,
Weaving the world with each note we speak.
Great actors, knowing that no part is too small.
We’ll be the creators of our own universe.
Tireless composers, you and I.