User Friendly

User Friendly
You were the only one I could rely on at one point in time.
I thought for sure you would always be there,
I had your back and I thought you had mine.
Things never work out the way you want them to,
that's what I've heard and now found out was true.
But I thought things were different between you and me.
You were the only one who could make me happy.
Yesterday I was your friend, happy and loved.
Always there to make you laugh even when you were down.
Today I am your enemy, hated and ignored.
Never given the chance to explain something I didn't even do.
You used me to accomplish a means to an end.
When I cried, you callously brushed it aside.
Yet you expected me to sympathize when things weren't going right with you.
I call you. You don't answer, yet you expect me to pick up the phone on the first ring.
Where are you when I need help? Oh, that's right you are doing their own thing.
That is until it’s time to call me to your side. Still, through it all I have remained your friend. When will it end? Hands stretched out expecting.
Always with a friendly, cajoling smile on my face.
Yet, when I look at you, there is a trace of the deceit inside.
The uncaring attitude you hide.
You swear you are my friend and somehow you make me believe it.
But reality has set in.
The facade you erected, the smiling eyes, the caring words, is just a farce.
Like dust brushed under a rug.
You brought me to tears and didn't even care.
I never thought you would, but you did.
I always had a feeling it might happen.
I just wish I would have listened to my heart, seen it coming, something.
Maybe I wouldn't be standing here crying over you.
You were the only one who has ever brought me to tears.
Your words stab so deep, I don't think they will ever heal.
My heart is shattered into pieces and I have no one to help pick them up and put me back together.
I just always thought you would be the one standing next to me through everything.
I need you. Well, I needed you.
When I needed you the most you sold me out left me in the dust.
You are the only one who has ever brought me to tears.
I get sick just thinking about it. I can't stand what you did to me.
I dont even think I can stand you. So fake, so full of nothing.
How can you live with yourself? I would like to know where things went sour.
Maybe in due time I will let you back in my heart.
But for now as long as you know, that you are the only one who has ever brought me to tears, I will never let you use me again.
Was that all I was user friendly? A toy?
Someone who's heart you wouldn't care breaking?
But I now just realized, that I don't care.
I have much much better friends now.
Ones that are ALWAYS there.
I knew you and me together just weren't right, because I've now come to the conclusion, your not worth the fight.