An Old Day of Brilliance

"Hun, is today a normal day?"
'I guess. There is no other way.'

"Are you sure, Hun? That all days are the same?"
'Hum...I don't know any more, that would be lame.
Why don't you explain?'
"By then you'll need a cane."

'Ha! I'll have one by tomorrow.'
"I'm glad you never show sorrow."

'Oh I never will, but go on.'
"Oh yes, I forgot. It's a song."

'You lied.
I'll of died.'
"You'll get over your pride.
And how have I lied?"

'I'll be in my grave.
Not with my cane.'

"Gosh, I've gone crazy."
'Just like a daisy.'

"See? We are not formal."
'Ah, I see we're not normal.'
"And you're not with your cane and I'm so not crazy."
'Well, we'll be in a grave one day and you're my daisy.'