Who can hear the silent cry of the little girl hoping to die?
Slitting her wrists seven times in a row, waiting patiently for her time to go.

Who can feel the pain of the mother, who would never know anything about her daughter?
Drinking away the deception and lies that the Devil has placed within her eyes.

Who can feel the pain of the boy that was beaten and molested, robbed of his joy?
All the drugs he used to fit in would soon bring him to a very sad end.

Who can feel the pain of the father, who was lied to by one, then lost the other?
The desires of his heart were washed away, the tears in his eyes were here to stay.

I know you can hear them.Their pain will never end. Christ said to go into all the nations, He never said, " Go ahead and forsake them."

When you see them passing by you, you stare blankly ahead, thinking of the things you'd rather do instead.

Don't you see the look in their eyes?
Didn't God give you the wisdom to be wise?

God says you were chosen for such a time as this to show the world His peace and bliss.