Wait for the boy who has the same calling as you and you will be blessed. If you don't you will be with someone who wants less.

Wait for the boy that God has placed in you life that will love Jesus with all his might.

Wait for the boy that God will raise up. Who will be made into a man of God who will never give up.

Wait for the boy who takes heed when corrected and stands strong even when rejected.

Wait for the boy who has the same heart as you and with a faith that is oh so true!

Wait for the boy who will never be the same because God touched his heart and knows he has everything to gain.

Wait for the boy who is holy before the Lord, who will always do God's work and never gets bored.

Wait for the boy with the patience of the Lamb that will never hit you or strike you with his hand.

Wait for the boy who feels the pain of the hurting world that's out in the rain. Who will rise up for such a time as this, who will show the men and women out on the streets that God will never diss.

Wait for the boy with a burden for the lost so that you two together can count the cost.

Don't fall for the lies of an enemy that's so real, who wants to steal and kill.

He'll chew you up and spit you out right before you have a chance to get out.

Don't fall for the deception of this ungodly being that is on the rise and will drop a bad seed in your heart so you will not see God's plan for you and me.

Don't let the lies fill your head with thoughts of impure things instead.

Guard your mind and guard your heart. Plan a way with God and start to never give up and never lose hope.

Never forget this isn't a joke. There are hurting people out on the streets, women selling their bodies for something to eat. There are little girls crying from the inside and boys being taken down because of their pride.

It could have been you but by God's grace it's not so now we have to prepareourselves to help God stop, this destruction of innocent lives that are knocked down by the Devil like little kids and beehives.

So wait for the man that God will put in your life that will help you to help God change many lives!