She Said To Me

that it wasn't over
it was just the beginning
no matter how small we were
we couldn't compare to others

you only get one chance
to tell people how you feel
you never know
when they will die

when there moment will be
tell them before its to late
they need you
and you need them

its a hard time
when someone dies
but we need to be there
for each other

death is hard
for everyone
so lets join together
and begin peace

death needs to stop
we need to take a stand
it all begins with us
so stand up

start a change
begin in your own family
we need to stick together
war is going to kill us all

change starts with one person
that person is you
we need to cherish every moment
with everyone around us

life is a gift
thats why its the present
we need to open our gifts
and celebrate
whats inside

its time for a better world
lets join together
and make it better for our generation

promise not to fight
just think
what if they were to die