I'm Me

I’m me
And that’s all I ever wanted to be
But I got lost in the dark
Fell and cried
And looked for an answer why
Instead I found a sin
Got lot standing in and out of the rim.
I was safe till I did that till I made it secure

I’m me
And sometime I rather not be
Because I cheated and lied
Fell down and cried
Because of the dirty sin I found
I tried to be anew
But my eagerness grew
And now I’m just a dead leaf on the ground

I’m me
And right now regretting me
Because I ran and I hid
Fell down and cried
Because of the dirty sin I found
I new it was wrong
But it fill the gap on the inside
Until the day I ran away

I’m me
And the didn’t want to be
Because I came back tried
Stood up and lied
Because of the dirty sin I found
Now I’m in pain
Counting the loss and no gain
Because I still continue on

I’m me
And never glad to be
Because I live a lie
I fall down and cry
Because of the dirty sin I found