Plastic World

Magazine clippings and beauty tips,
We are all trying to be something we are not,
To please the world we become slaves to the media,
Forced to conform.
Perfect ideals become guidelines to daily life.
Suddenly food becomes unpopular,
Put that fry back.
We must wear make up at all time to conceal our natural beauty,
Let’s all rush out and buy the newest mascara.
Parents are no longer respected, instead they are embarrassing,
‘Mom, just drop me off at the mall, I can shop by myself.’
Fashion consumes everything,
The world falls into a bleak abyss when a bad hair day strikes.
Rap is the only form of music acceptable,
Throw out all of your rock albums.
Ignorance is bliss,
Fail your math test so that you can get the cute guy in your class to ‘tutor’ you.
Conformity prays on your feebleness when you are a child,
Instilling its morals into your brain,
Rooting them deep into your system, past your eyes of reason,
Every one has already accepted it so you can’t fight it.
In a world where we are all plastic clones,
Creativity is shunned like a bad disease,
The mold is never to be broken.
Plastic hands are not strong enough with brains fried from years of non-sense,
To shatter it,
To start something new.
So now we will wait, among the Barbies and Kens,
For our time to strike,
For our time to over-turn the media,
To enforce individuality.
When our time comes there will be freedom of expression,
And knowledge for those who crave it.
So we will wait like trained dogs,
Among this world of bullsh*t.
We will wait,
And when our time comes eyes will be opened.
Finally, we will become what we have been lacking for years,
A world of individuality.