The Last Song

The Last Song

Beauty always hid among those pale blue
Feathers, soft and silent as the mans' quick
Footsteps. And, of course, their beauty hid the
Most noble danger beneath the leather
The feathers were sewn to. A robber as
Ordinary as rope at the gallows,
As cunning as a Prince on his throne. Eyes
That see through the darkest night, hands that both
Aid those in need and slay greed ridden men.
A hero, a man cherished as the
Bird whose name he borrows. He, The Bluejay.
The call him, at night, his name the Bluejay.

The Bluejay works as the fairies rest their
Delicate heads in nests of stolen hair
And soft, deep green leaves. As the royalty
Hunts down those woebegone creatures, the Jay
Creeps along empty streets playing his own
Game. He, too, has prey to seek, though strikes not
At the flesh but at the undeserved
Pride. Prisoners free'd, menfolk returned
To their wives and children. The Adder's head,
Immortal thanks to the man he hates, soon
Will be separated from its' writhing
Serpentine body. The robber Bluejay.

Many men have worn the blue-feathered
Mask, yet only his call will his bluejay
Brothers answer. Only his shadowed
Face does the Silver Prince fear. In such a
Distant Castle of Night, the Bluejay's death
Is said to lurk. Could it be, that in those
Stony halls coated with the fear of all,
A glorious hero such as the Jay
Could ever meet his downfall? So says the
Silver Snake across the Wayless Wood. But
This hero, never before seen. Shall he
Meet an end, this shadow of a villain?


His footsteps, always soft and sure, would lead
Him after his kidnapped daughter. A
Trap would be spread out before him, and he
Knew. With a beautiful voice - the Bluejay?
Yes, alas, his voice is said to have the
Alluring and enticing as red wine
On a cold and cruel night. It was this
Voice that would bring about his end, truly
Magnificent and despairing for all.
On feathers as blue as the sky shines now,
Beloved, The Bluejay alighted up-
On stone battlements. His cry sounds once more.

Through the corridors of a child's worst
Nightmares, deeper into the nest of the
Adder. Only for his lovely daughter
Did he tread, adorned in his namesake
Mask. Knights, with poisonous snakes residing
Upon their chests, let him pass. Mocking words
Were contained behind contemptuous smirks,
For every man knew, just as the Jay,
An end fit for a thief awaited him
In the nest of the Snake. And still he went.
A man among men, a hero to all
Ombra, strode to his dark destiny. Death.

The two stood together, tall were they both,
Yet one towered over the other.
Words were exchanged, one voice fantastic
In its' beauty and one not deceptive,
Never lying about the lies and truth
Resting on its' pitch. A girl, hair golden
As strands of sunlight caught in essence, was
Given back to her people. The Bluejay,
Hands tied behind his back, a smile on
His darkened face, followed his Death
To the gallows. A crowd had gathered
To witness their hero's cold demise.

Said the Jay to his people, voice never
Faltering, "Aye, the Adder has me in
His scaly grasp. But shall you despair? No!
For mine is not the first face that has been
Shaded by a mask such as mine. Don't dare
To forget heros less obvious than
I, the heros that yet have done so much
More. Food in your mouths thanks to them, not I!
Clothes and fires to warm your chilled bones
Due to men braver than I! Worry not,
For a Silver Death is all that awaits
Me. And for Death? Black, black is he doomed.

"I leave you only in body, and in
Spirit I can hope just that its' courage
Grows and nourishes that which already
Rests in your hearts. Let my end not be yours!
And he who shall undoubtedly go on
With my story, not only in words but
In life, let him go carefully. Today,
I as the Bluejay shall sing my last verse.
The song will go on. Who will write it, and
Throw this Viper off of his ill begotten
Throne? Who sings the last song of the Bluejay?"
And so he stepped onto that stage.

The wood underneath his feet creaked, as
Though the dead and rotten gallows itself
Protested that which it was about to
Do. The Silver Prince himself tore the blue
Feathered mask from a face revealed
To be infinitely handsome, much more
So than that of the butcher Prince. A rope
Went around the Jay's neck, a black clad man
Waited. The Adder gave the black signal,
And suddenly the Bluejay was strung up
On a podium. Blue eyes shone for them,
And all wondered as their hero left:

Who will sing the last song of the Bluejay?