
The blood is running down my wrists and the scars will never fade.
I'm sat here crying knowing life will never be the same again.
The phase I'm going through will never end instead it will kill me.
Knowing I'll never be able to tell the truth about myself and let the world know who I really am.
Knowing I'll always have to hide.
If I don't people would hate me and I would die because they all found out.
I would be all alone again, no friends, no love.
So I remain hidden, all the emotion tied up inside me and the scars running down my wrist.
Waiting, always waiting.
I'm waiting for that day to come when I can tell the world about my true self and I can come clean.
But until then, my days get darker and darker, filled with blood and tears.
They are numbered and are quickly running out.
Kelvin, your the only one that understands me truly.
Without you to confide in it would all of been over for me long ago.
You and you alone know what I'm going through-lets hope I can save myself before is to late.
