Love Hurts

My love for you is all I have.
But now there's nothing left.
You should've just ripped my heart out...
Right then and there,
I wouldn't care.

It would stop all my pain,
All my suffering.
Without you, life would be easy.
But that's not what I want.

You made life worth while.
You always made me smile.
Until today.

It's not the first time I've cried for you.
But this is the first time you've hurt me.
So, I guess it's time to face reality.
You will never understand.
Never take my hand.

All my dreams and wishes, too.
Will never come true.
I will never have you to call my own.

So, now I will wait to let fate,
Turn this all around.

Now I've been thinking.
And there really is no point.
My thoughts are filled with depression.
But no aggression.

I can not be mad,
Only at myself.
For saving hope,
When there is none.

I hope you have a happy life,
With whomever you have chosen.
My heart is now broken,
And it can not be mended.

Don't take this the wrong way.
I want to stay.
I'm just needed somewhere else.

But you need to know,
Before I go.
Even though I'm through,
I'll always love you.
