Hurry Along Boy.

Last kisses,
last goodbyes.
Last time I would ever see,
those beautiful eyes.

I lay in bed,
the last one I'd ever feel.
I pray, I wish,
but I'll never heal.

You kiss me once,
and then again.
With tears in your eyes, you whisper,
"Goodbye my dear friend."

Hand in hand,
you sit next to me.
In a few more moments,
it'll get harder to breathe.

I want my life back,
with you and my friends.
I want to live,
until my proper end.

This isn't happening,
is it dear?
I'm losing my mind,
no longer can hear.

I'm fighting it back,
but I just can't do it.
"Come on sweetie,
just pull through this."

I wish I could believe,
his wonderful words.
"But honey,
haven't you heard?"

No more will I see,
or cuddle with you.
I wish I didn't have to see,
see you look so blue.

The darkness is coming,
it's trapping me in.
I kiss you one last time,
before I'm caved in.