
White hallways with blinding lights.
Early morning cold winds,
blow shivers up and down your back,
and your patterned dress flies in the breeze...

But its all just a dream,
'cause you're stuck in your bed,
and you're never getting out.
'Cause of the medications,
'cause of the diseases...

Your hair has lost its shine,
growing fainter day by day,
as you're fading away,
into a skeleton, day by day...

Mother, mother,
what have they done to you?
The windows are closed,
and the hallway's in carbon dioxide...

But its all just a dream,
and you're stuck in your bed.
You're never getting out,
just take your meds and fall back asleep,
cause you're just another unfortunate...

No place for nature's nurture,
its just the cold hospital rooms,
with the blinding lights,
and the men in white,
assisting your every word and move.
Like a madhouse, do what they say...

You're a lifeless wreck!
You're addicted now!
And nothing going to change,
you're lost forever,
and as we try to bring you back,
you're holding onto their words.
Your children have grown up,
and now you're all alone.
And the blinding lights swallow you whole...

But its all just a dream,
and you're stuck in your bed,
you're never getting out.
Mother, mother, grandmother.
Your children are here!
Lock you all up together,
until death parts you once more...