Unacquainted Love

She only lives to please him.
A love forged through his kindness.
She watched him fall from Heaven.
That falling star, her whole world.
The meaning of her entire life,
Falling into the Great Pit.
He shone brighter than any star.
She mourned for him, her fallen angel.
He had rescued her that night,
Kept her safe while her parents fought.
His beautiful wings holding her close.
Now he was leaving her world forever.
But she refused to go on without him.
So she let her soul slip away,
To be brought to his palace.
There she found her broken angel,
Changed by malice and his loathing.
Though her eyes would not believe
The back of her mind could see his darkness.
Her desire to see him happy,
Clouded her thoughts and judgment.
His once pure soul, now twisted and mangled
Looked past her love and wished for one thing.