Cast Away

So dark...
Silent scratching all around me...
Haunting darkness enveloping all i am...
I cry out in fear....
An adolesent boy so young, torn apart, and cast down...
Tears stream down my face over lapping eachother, my knees pressed againt my chest cornered in the darkness...
You take all i am... you take what you made me... And you fuck me...
So young... No hand to hold across the street... No nipple to lick...
Ingnorent you turn away from me... I hate what you have made me...
So young...
So confused...
So scared...
I hate you!!!!!
I want you to suffer!!!
I want you to be torn apart from the inside!!!
How can you abandon me for so long then want my love!!!
How can you expect my trust? My respect? My LOVE!!!! from me!!!!!
Hate me sideways!
Hate me when im not around!!! Hate me when my back is turned! But how can you say you love me when i look at you?

You ask why i keep my head down when i walk! Its because i cant look at you!

You ask me why i dont speak! Its because i cant stand to hear your voice reply!

I feel so empty because of you, a childhood wasted on your problems!!!
You drank your sorrows away...
You drank my childhood away...

I... I love you mom... But you rejacted everything i am... Im not your puppet i cant please you might i try... Im done you killed my soul... You kiled me when you left me....