To My Dear Werewolf:

To my dear werewolf:
I don’t really understand how this is possible
I mean, I thought you were supposed to stay away from vampires
But here you are, chasing me, like I’m some sort of seductress.
I should be screaming “poison” to you
But all you seem to read is “antidote”
Or maybe you are seeing me clearly, and hoping I’ll be your passport out of this life
Well you should know
I’m not letting you out of here that easily if I’m stuck in this hell too
And it’s not like I really enjoy killing people
I just find it so easy… Something I’m actually good at
But I don’t want to watch you die because of my bite

This really shouldn’t be happening
I mean, I’m a ninja, you’re a pirate
Those two really don’t go together
You can just see the mishaps and brawls coming from that mix

So, maybe I’m over reacting
But can you blame me?
You come from the other side of the war lines
We’re supposed to be mortal enemies
But here I am trying to have a fucking love affair
What will my general say?

We don’t belong together
But then, why does it feel so right?
I melt every time you hold me in your arms
Your kisses on my forehead are like ecstasy
But I always feel so detached…
I can tell I’m not supposed to be doing this
But then why is it so fucking hard to tell you no?

I don’t know why I’m fretting over this
I’ve already decided to succumb to you
I came up to you on my knees
Like a dog with its tail in between its legs
And you were more than willing to accept me

Maybe that’s why I can’t seem to leave
I’ve been waiting so long for someone just to hold me
I hate having to fight off all the pressures from society
They try to weigh me down and make me buckle under anxiety
The pressure is all too much for one person
And all I want to do is fall to my name and cry out to you
And thank god you don’t turn a deaf ear towards me

I’m just dieing for someone to help me stand up
It’s not like I have that many wounds
Honestly, my path has been pretty easy
But it’s been a pretty freaking long one
And I haven’t had time for breaks in the shade
I might not have that many scratches or broken bones
But I’m covered in bright purple bruises
From the falls I’ve taken for other people

I sometimes get the feeling that I shouldn’t be trusting you
But I guess that’s what you get for playing with demons
You’re sometimes too dark for me
But I think that’s what kind of attracts me
I mean, don’t get me wrong, I have my own dark places
I’m not the most innocent of the bunch
But compared to you
I look like an angel
You honestly scare me with some of the comments you make
But then I fool myself by thinking
“You can’t be that bad when things like ‘I’m in love with your cuteness’ comes out of your mouth”

You’re like my own personal devil
You let me control you
You don’t even ask for anything for it either
You just want me to at least keep talking to you
And of course I would do that
You already have me hooked on you
I can already tell you I’m not getting away from this easily
But hell, it’s free protection

You care for me so much…
I don’t understand it
Why you would do so much for me
And I can barely get myself to say
“I love you”
“Ti amo”

So I guess I’ve already made it clear I’ve submitted to this
And I guess I’ll just see where it goes
But tell me this, my precious demon
I know you can protect me from the others
But can you protect your angel from yourself?