You Are

You Are

You’re running down the hallway,
You’re hiding in the Library,
You’re being slammed into your locker,
You’re being bullied and you know it.

You’re sitting in your room, that night,
You’re staring at the walls,
You’re thinking about telling someone,
You’re thinking about something worse.

You’re lying on the floor,
You’re bleeding at the wrists,
You’re feeling rather numb now,
You’re feeling your last wish.

You’re seeing all black now,
You’re experiencing death,
You’re jolted back to life now,
You’re waking up.

You’re realising it was a dream,
You’re realising that it wasn’t real,
You’re realising that you’re still alive,
You’re realising that you’d rather it have been real.

You’re walking down the stairs,
You’re walking back to misery,
You’re realising that your feet are hurting,
Because you’re standing in my shoes.