The Perfect Guy...

Knows how to make you smile when you are down
Will dance with you, even if he feels like a dork
Never runs out of love
Is funny, but knows when to be serious
Realizes he's being funny when he needs to be serious
Is patient with you when you take forever to get ready
Reacts so cutely when you hit him and it actually hurts
Smiles a lot
Plans a romantic date full of cheesy things that he normally wouldn't do
He does things just because he knows it means a lot to you
Appreciates you
Helps others out
Tries to secretly smell your hair BUT you know he's doing it
Will drive 5hours just to see you 1hour
Always gives you a peck on the cheek when you leave-even in front of his friends
Sings for you, even if he can't
Has a creative sense of humor
Stares at you
Calls for no reason
Quits drinking, smoking just because he loves you enough to quit
Sticks up for you, yet realizes your independence
Gives you the remote during THE game
Comes up behind you, puts his arms around you, squeezes youto his chest, and
whispers in your ear
Plays with your hair
His hand always finds yours
Acts really cute when he wants something
Offers you plenty of massages