Personal Demons

Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you here tonight to witness the most singular spectacle of all: the dying moments of a broken man. Now, I used to be like you: Innocent, believing in the absolute undefiable hand of justice, believing that I loved my family. I looked forwards to every day, I loved my health, I thought that I was truly someone unique, special, different from others. However, during the thirteenth year of my life, something struck me: Reality. I realized that every single assumption of these was a lie, that they all were dreams, except for the last one: I was different, if only in the respect that I saw how futile my life in this society was. I am, to put it simply, a man born in the wrong time. If I was born in a more stoic society, one with more pressure on respecting others, than I may have not seen this Reality. However, the gods decided to place me here, in this day and age, to live in hell. Perhaps I did have a previous life, but God decided me a sinner, and threw me here to punish me. Perhaps I remain here to repent, through a pre-ordained sentence that ends with my supposed 'death'. However, I dismiss these, and put my main point forwards: What good is paradise on Earth, if it is unearned, and unreal? What good is it if you believe in equality for all, and hear of rape, genocide? What kind of life is worth living if you know the woman down the road cannot support her baby's life, if you know that the man who works in the cubicle beside you is divorced and has nothing because his wife was raped, and she lashed out at him? I say it is not a life worth living, and must be changed, if needs be ended. However these agents of social stagnancy, known as 'Laws' and 'Protection Clauses' keep us chained to a hateful existance. If you try to release yourself before they've made sure you're stuck to their style of life, then they throw you into a confinement, they reduce your style of life to nothing. They punish you for trying to do what their very constitution says: Enjoying your right of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. So I stand here before you, with this life-changer in my hands, and ask of you, what is a better life changer, the hermeticism or the revolver?