Stairways of Emptiness

The earth is spinning; Sight a blur.
Where does my head rest?
Chuckling shadows disappear from my sight.
Red goo drips down my chest.

Thick: Deep red the blood spills.
As I part my lips to scream, I see deep eyes watching me.
Black as night; Magnifying as a whirl pool.
Where's its face? He?

A dim blue light shines through the bars.
Moonlight: A safe and silky bed.
Radiant stars twinkle in the sky.
Behind me lay the dead.

Spinning around as I feel a presence;
Piles of motionless bodies astray.
Murky purple blood sheets the stone ground:
Sweet and sour bloody prey.

I try to stand up; To run away,
But a sharp pain stabs me like a scorpion stings its victim.
A dreadful cry and a grimace of pain;
These creatures mock thee, showing their dictum.

Tears of acid run down my face:
Burning me through and through.
My mouth parched; Hair a birds nest.
Are the dead in this chamber an obvious clue?

I cry in anguish and observe my surroundings.
These spectral demons are faintly erotic.
They gently glide up and down the eccentric stairs.
The side to the ceiling; Ground to the side; Ceiling to the dungeon: chaotic.

Dehydration and exhaustion wash over my brain.
I haven't slept in four days; Insomnia.
They whipped me today...or was it yesterday?
I feel psychologically unable to smile or feel pleasure; Anhedonia.

Marred flesh bleeds excessively.
The flames burn bright; Charring my skin.
A putrid smell overtakes the atmosphere.
Flesh melts like candle wax; No burning, just a bleeding chin.

Lei 'e una forte uno.(1)
Foreign tongues they speak.
Blood sticks to my skin like dried clay.
Gaping wounds show my anatomy and constantly leak.

Screaming comes from all areas of this building.
I am the quiet one, I suppose.
The faceless beasts roam from room to room carrying torture mechanisms: Whips and blades--today a mirror.
I marveled in the sight of this skeletons face; I froze.

Seven days with no food.
I'm weaker than a fragile spider.
A feast of raw meat glut my mouths taste.
Cannibalism; The corpses in the dungeon were my provider.

My stomach aches in pleasurable strength.
The limp bodies frayed and shredded to pieces.
The devilish beings stare wide eyed; Amazed.
Lei sta diventando uno di noi(2), someone screeches.

The faceless monsters have placed a mirror on the jail wall.
I look very pail; Features undistinguished.
Where did the dark bags of my under eyes go?
My eyes are no longer blue: they're blackish.

My eyelids flutter in confusion.
Did I really fall asleep or was I drugged into submission?
Overhead are bare-faced beings, looking in awe.
What was wrong with my condition?

With a mirror placed in front of my face, I saw what they saw.
Not a blue eyed beauty with silky blond hair.
Not a skeleton with faded features caked in blood.
I saw a faceless bald demon with dark eyes that glare.

(1)She is a strong one.
(2)She is becoming one of us.