Seemingly Abandoned

They say that time heals most wounds,
But you're wounds will never heal
We used to be best friends,
You were the only true friend I ever had as a kid
But now that means nothing to you, does it?
There's a rift between us now
A self created rift, not by me, but by you
I could spend my days waiting by the phone
Waiting to see if you'd call me to hang out
But in the end, it's a waste of time, a waste of energy
For you hardly call, you don't make contact
Close to 15 years of friendship, gone, almost invalid
I don't know who you are anymore

You once told me that you'd always be my friend
But now I think this is the end
We no longer are like brother and sister
You used to care about me
But now I think that has become almost non-existent
I guess everything was just in my head
I guess I so desperately wanted to believe that I had a true friend
All of this brought upon because a simple forgotten thing
Such a simple thing as a birthday
But because you're like my family, it hurts more then any other friend forgetting
You're the closest person to me, you've known me for so long
Yet my birthday escapes you
And yet I always remember yours
Had I not said anything, you would've completely forgot
And that's the truth that hurts the most
You would've forgot....